September, 2020

當看見香港很多制度仍不接納 gay 的同志議題,仍然只灌輸一些他們以為正常的思想,為何從小就要灌輸一男一女結婚的意識,這世界很大的,不應只灌輸一種意識!例如不結婚就不結婚、不生小孩子就不生吧、男生喜歡男生咪就喜歡男生,其實最重要對自己誠實吧!

Yet, there is still no comprehensive anti-discrimination legislation on the grounds of sexual orientation in Hong Kong, and even the system here is not accepting lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender (LGBT)! Schools still teach pupils that only one types of families exist. In the real world, there are different families, which of course includes LGBT families!

其實不只在香港,在亞洲很多地方仍不接納同性戀議題,而且新聞也只是報道同志的負面新聞! 所以 DaXxX GrouP 環峰堂覺得亞洲地區絕對需要一個為同性戀 LGBT 發聲的網站!新網站 852hk.com環峰堂的程式網站,誕生在2020年5月20日,談論英俊有才華的可愛男生,報導同性戀新聞以及提供腐男腐女BL福利,而且更重要是能夠運用科技促進及完善香港的 LGBT 發展!

In fact, not just Hong Kong, but in many Asia countries, LGBT are still not been accepted, most of the news just covers the bad news of gays! This is one of the reasons why we need a LGBT website in Asia! So, the new website launched on 20th May 2020, talks about handsome, also be able to use technology to promote and improve the LGBT development in Hong Kong!

852hk論壇也即日上線,更首次推出 eBars & eClubs 功能,讓不敢在酒吧直接識朋友,可以網上講!而且相信很多香港人有機會移民外地,852hk論壇更提供香港人在海外的討論功能,方便香港人在世界各地任何國家也可以認識當地的 gay friends 及新朋友!而且不用註冊也可留言的~ 香港區朋友更可用分區模式認識 gay friends 呢!

i just want to make people happy 😊😊
全亞洲最大型嘅同性戀 LGBT 網站,歡迎您的加入及參觀

本文發表於:September, 2020  |  標籤: 852hk, LGBT, 鯨魚時代 Dax FC's LOVES